Neseniai mano vaikų puseserės Kristina ir Silvija šventė Gimtadienius. Ta proga sunarpliojau abiems po priedą prie dovanos: Kristinai - apyrankę, Silvijai - knygos žymeklį.
Hi! Thank you very much for following my blog. I just had to come and see yours. You have a beautiful blog and your creations are just gorgeous, it's a pleasure for us to follow your activities and bears, too. Thank you very much for your visit, Lot of Hugs Alicia and "the Good juju Bears"
Hi! Thank you very much for following my blog. I just had to come and see yours. You have a beautiful blog and your creations are just gorgeous, it's a pleasure for us to follow your activities and bears, too.
AtsakytiPanaikintiThank you very much for your visit,
Lot of Hugs
Alicia and "the Good juju Bears"